Wellness versus Illness – Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine Day
Back in the day, Oriental doctors were only paid when their patients were well. Individuals would come to the doctor on a regular schedule to receive acupuncture and herbs to help them maintain their health. If they fell ill, the doctor would then work for free until the patient was well again. What a different concept from our Western allopathic medicine that focuses only on illness. Many of us believe that we only see a doctor when we are ill. Our current paradigm has trained us to seek help only when we are not feeling good then we accept the medication or surgery the doctor prescribes. Imagine instead if we made wellness our priority. We could spend every month, week, day, and hour ensuring that we were eating well, exercising, resting, and de-stressing. Think we would have better, more consistent health? Imagine not being down for the count and having to recover from being ill. Imagine instead having stable consistent good health every day of your life. It is possible.

Watch as Melissa Heisler receives acupuncture from Lindy Camardella. Then listen to the full interview with licensed acupuncturist and nationally certified herbalist Lindy Camardella to learn a new way to think about health, wellness, and what you can do to maintain consistent good health. You will also learn about Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day focused on increasing the progress, promise, and benefits of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. For more information check out the AOM Day site.