Making Changes in our Society Kirk Lee Rhoads
In this talk Kirk Rhoads focuses on managing addictions, the importance of a community, and what we can do to reduce the amount of sexual trafficking occurring.

Kirk was born in Columbus, Kansas in a family of 5 with a Christian background. His parents’ separation and divorce led to his interest in the Buddhist practice after researching a book on Buddhism in the local library. This new study sparked a fire in his spirit.
After High school he worked for one year as a welder, but felt unfulfilled. He returned to the University of Kansas to complete his studies. Kirk wanted to travel and pursued work in the Peace Corps where he volunteered in Guatemala for 2 years.
Fascinated by the oriental culture, he returned to the US and began studying and practicing Zen at the San Francisco Zen Center. Kirk’s desire to learn more took him to Japan in 1985, where he worked there as an English teacher and subcontractor. While on a business trip to Seoul, Korea, he fell in love with his future wife who was born in the Philippians and they raised two children in Japan. His family returned to the US in 1997 and started a family business with his brother.
Kirk has extensive knowledge on a variety of topics including, cross-legged seated meditation, yoga, cardio vascular and weight fitness center training, social-environmental-human rights activism, LinkedIn and other Social Media development.
Sexual Trafficking Resources
Trafficking Hot Line 1-888-373-7888