Making a Dream Real
Last August I shared about our move down to Mexico and how it fulfilled my husband’s (im)possible dream. He dreamed it, wrote it down, shared it with others, and took a big risk to make it happen. We had to do a lot, risk a lot, to pursue his dream. He gave up a steady well-paying job. We sold most of what we owned. We left stability for the promise of a better life. If you want to know more about our journey to leave the States, letting go of our possessions, and taking the risk to move into a new life, read here.
My husband and I are not living our dream because we followed the path we thought we had to take – staying in sensible unfulfilling jobs to earn enough money to retire in Mexico thirty years from now. Instead we focused on the way we wanted to live. We focused on the lifestyle that would make us happy. We took action by setting the course to make the impossible possible by dreaming it, writing it, sharing it, and taking a risk. This is the physical world effort necessary to set a dream in motion. But a mental, spiritual, emotional component is also necessary to unleash the dream.
We had to change how we think things happen in order to experience miracles around us every day. We no longer think we have to push or drive things to happen. What we realized is our mental attitude, being in alignment with our truth, feeling our true desires, and accepting that we deserve to be happy were the mental shifts we need to make in order to allow our life to unfold instead of forcing it.
Here are the five pillars of mental work necessary to help you realize your dream.
Accept Your Power: Accept that you are the creator of your world. You define your playing field. When you really believe that you create your own life, a power and force appears to make it a reality. I am not talking about simply making specific things manifest in your life. I am talking about defining and placing your order for your life. Stop thinking that you need to make things happen or that you need to act alone. Accepting your power allows you to defining the life and how it works. What if you could affect those things that you assume are set in stone?
Release the “How”: Define from your heart what you want without the restrictions of “how.” Don’t be tied to your past, to your current situation, or to what you think is possible. When you dig deeply to uncover the life you want to experience, do not restrict it by any thoughts of how it will come into fruition. Your job is to define not to determine how.
Be Aware: Go about your days with awareness of opportunities which will get you closer to what you desire. Mentally give yourself the courage to make steps towards securing these opportunities.
Trust: Stay focused on what you want. Don’t assume a pothole is a roadblock. Continue to believe that you can have what you desire. Hold that vision while being patient and trusting through the ups and downs and seeming disappointments along the way.
Accept: Know you will receive what you desire. Believe you deserve to receive what you desire. Don’t doubt or be surprised when you do receive it. Instead say, “Thank you, more please.”
Take the time to define what you want by dreaming it, writing it, sharing it, and taking a risk – then prepare yourself mentally to take the journey of allowing it to happen.