Building Communities – Arlington Heights Mayor
When I started my small business the first thing I did was join the local chamber. It was a great way for me to meet other business owners, learn about the city, connect to residents, and create a relationship with the city government. Being part of the chamber not only helped launch my business, but more importantly it made me part of the local community.
There are many different aspects of a good community. There are the local residents who by living there benefit from public services and that unique culture. There are businesses which provide goods, services, and employment. There are government agencies who manage the safety and security of the community. And there are local non-profit agencies providing valuable services for those who would not be able to receive them otherwise. There is a very important symbiotic relationship between small businesses and the residents of that city.
My local community of Arlington Heights Illinois is very important to me as I both live and work here. It is interesting to be not only invested in the local schools, park districts, and streets of the Village as a resident, but also to be active in the issues and policies affecting local businesses. A thriving business community supports the local residents, and a healthy population is important to the economic viability of every small business.

As a resident of the Village of Arlington Heights, I was excited to have our Village President as a guest on The Empowerment show. Tom Hayes was recently elected Village President after outgoing President Arlene Mulder held that post for 20 years. Tom talked about his belief in leadership by example. Tom believes that “building consensus and encouraging involvement of Board members, residents and business owners throughout our community is the best way to advance the quality of life in Arlington Heights.” Whether you are a resident of Arlington Heights or not, listen below for a lively discussion about building communities, supporting small businesses, and providing positive quality of life for residents of a small town. Learn how your actions as a business or resident can affect your local quality of life.