The Next Big Thing – Melissa Heisler
What is the working title of the book? From Type-A to Type-ME: Daily Habits for an Empowered Life
Where did the idea come from for the book? I wanted to share my experience of changing my life from an unhappy stressaholic to finding joy and power through Awareness, Acceptance, Alternatives, and Action.
What genre does your book fall under? Self-help
What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition? The first chapter outlines my experience of working with a shaman in Peru to help me relieve the physical ailments I was experiencing due to stress. Holly Hunter would be a great actress to portray me and John Leguizamo or Hector Elizondo would be fantastic as the shaman.
What is the one sentence synopsis of your book? A real world, personal experience-based how to book on how take back your life.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript? Three months to get the first words out. Two more years and many re-writes to get it where it is today.
Who or what inspired you to write this book? My own experiences and my desire to help others change their lives.
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? It includes helpful information for the reader to change their life and the life-changing experiences of my clients.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? Right now I am looking at self-publishing but am open to representation.
My tagged writers for next week are: Renee Baribeau, Susan Baker, Stacia Skinner, Steve Fretzin