Imagine That
A few years ago I had read an article about feng shui. It recommended placing rocks in sink drains to encourage the water to flow down and not come back up again. At the time it resonated with me, so I tried it. Not sure if it works, although I can say our house has not flooded since then, but I liked the way they looked so I kept the rocks in our bathroom sinks. The other night my husband and I were brushing our teeth. When we finished, he grabbed an old toothbrush and cleaned the rocks. My quizzical look garnered this response from him, “Those rocks just don’t clean themselves.” And a new profession was created, Professional Feng Shui Rock Cleaner. A few days later I was talking to a friend and she mentioned that an Urban Chicken Consultant would be at our next meeting. Urban Chicken Consultant?
With the onslaught of individuals in cities and suburbs trying to return to organic foods, it is only logical that an Urban Chicken Consultant would appear on the scene to help them make their tiny backyards into farms. This is only one of many new careers and industries which have appeared due to new technology, changes in society’s needs and structure, and the changing environment. As the world changes, new opportunities for businesses and careers appear. A report based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook and Career Guide to Industries listed the fastest growing jobs by 2020. It included audiologists to handle the hearing needs of aging baby boomers, interpreters and translators to assist as the melting pot continues to grow, and veterinarians as we continue to care for our animals as family. Another article released back in 2007, listed some less well-known and unexpected careers to be popular in 2012 including genetic counselors helping to test for genetic markers, roboticists to design and maintain robots as they begin to do everything from cleaning our floors to teaching our children, and space tour guides.
Many of us are now looking for new positions due to necessity or desire. As you look for that next career or contemplate owning your own business, broaden your mind to include new opportunities and options which may not have existed before. In Martha Beck’s new book she mentions she told her daughter to take the classes she was interested in college and not to worry about focusing on a specific degree because by the time she graduates there will be a whole host of new opportunities.
If you are looking for what is next for you in your career start with an open mind. Catalog your skills, passions, and values. Then combine them in new and interesting ways. Vet each of those newly created unique combinations of your skills, passions, and values against market need and financial feasibility. You may just stumble upon the next big thing. Imagine that.