
Better than Biscuits

Are you going through some things you don’t like? Are you having some challenges? Are things not going the way you planned? I received this story from my mother-in-law the other day: A visiting priest was attending a men’s breakfast in farm country. He asked one of the impressive older farmers in attendance to say […]

a bandage does not help a problem

A Bandage is Only Temporary

2017 has thrown a lot of challenges my way. Not only do I have the stress many of us are feeling about the current American political system, but I have had some personal challenges as well. My husband and my work both increased which is great, but we were not practicing selfcare resulting in tension […]

drama queen

Drama Queen

We all have friends who are drama queens. I am sure you can think of one right now. No matter what has happened, the telling of the story is dramatic, over the top, and sensational. We might have been at the same incident, but in the re-telling we feel like we missed something. To us, […]


Making Crazy

Being part of a mass layoff is difficult. A host of emotions are prevalent. Sadness to leave what was known possibly for decades. Fear of financial instability. Anger at the company or economy. Confusion due to loss and the unknown. On its own, job transition is tough. Unfortunately, some people make it more difficult. One […]