taking water for granted

Waste Not Want Not

I took a long hot shower. And I felt a little guilty. Cabo San Lucas has been on water rations for the past few months so getting a shower at all is a luxury. On my recent visit to the States, when I was able to have more than a three-minute shower, I felt a […]

writing blog post

My 200th Post!!!!!!  (almost)

After spending time preparing my thoughts for this week’s momentous 200th post, I realized something. This is not my 200th post. To create a new series of classes, I was reviewing my posts for concepts, ideas, and stories to include. It was during this review that I realized a post had been duplicated. I had […]

speaking in Mexico

Words, Words, Words

Trying to learn a new language is difficult. A whole new vocabulary needs to be memorized. A different sentence structure is used. New verb conjugation must be absorbed. As I am trying to improve my Spanish comprehension and ability to speak, I noticed a few things which reflect on how our language points to our […]

think or feel

Feeling into the Future

Every month I check in with the PowerPath Forecast to get a pulse on the world. I don’t know how they do it, but the forecast has an uncanny knack at identifying larger themes happening to us all. This information helps the work I do with my clients as well as helping me understand shifting […]