view from our home

When It Is Right

Earlier this year, we started a search for our new home. We had a pretty big laundry list of desirables. After some time searching, we found one that fit our bill. Right number of bedrooms. Extra storage. Close to the bus stop since we only had one car. Financially sound development. The only negative was […]


A Break From Routine

Monotony. Dealing with the same challenges, the same tasks, the same routine day after day, week after week, can increase our stress levels.  We are Sisyphus trapped, more likely doomed, to experience the same thing again and again and again without finding success or relief. Redundancy without resolution in our daily work can dull our […]

The crown

Being Impartial

Netflix has many terrific shows lately. One of them is “The Crown” which is about Queen Elizabeth. A scene in the first season really struck me. It is a dialogue between Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary. Here is a condensed version: Queen Elizabeth (QE): “It doesn’t feel right as head of state to do nothing.” […]


Better than Biscuits

Are you going through some things you don’t like? Are you having some challenges? Are things not going the way you planned? I received this story from my mother-in-law the other day: A visiting priest was attending a men’s breakfast in farm country. He asked one of the impressive older farmers in attendance to say […]

a bandage does not help a problem

A Bandage is Only Temporary

2017 has thrown a lot of challenges my way. Not only do I have the stress many of us are feeling about the current American political system, but I have had some personal challenges as well. My husband and my work both increased which is great, but we were not practicing selfcare resulting in tension […]

Making Time for Stress Relief

This month I released a beta test for my new online stress reduction course. Many people jumped at the opportunity to become a tester. Few took the step to sign up online. Of those that did, the participation levels were very low. When I spoke to those who were interested, the overwhelming response was that […]