earth through saturn's rings

A Little Perspective

Are you concerned about something in your life right now? Are things in your city or neighborhood a little too much for you? Are you upset that no one is focusing on your issues? Maybe it is time for a little cosmic perspective. According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, “We are a speck in the middle […]

Augmented Reality

I was speaking with my friend Melissa Amling that other day who was telling me about her virtual reality concept for a new children’s book. It is a very interesting idea to bring children into the world of the book so they could fully experience and become a part of the story. She then mentioned […]


Making Crazy

Being part of a mass layoff is difficult. A host of emotions are prevalent. Sadness to leave what was known possibly for decades. Fear of financial instability. Anger at the company or economy. Confusion due to loss and the unknown. On its own, job transition is tough. Unfortunately, some people make it more difficult. One […]

trapped in your dogma

What is your dogma?

Lately I have been obsession with reading fiction detective stories. In the midst of Tana French’s In the Woods was a passage that blew me away. Three characters have a discussion about the need for some form of belief system and that for their Irish government and society many people see money as their ideology. […]

the brain

Don’t trust your brain

In our scientific focused society, there is an assumption that what we think is undeniable truth. We believe that our brain is like a supercomputer built to only provide fact. But our brain can’t really be trusted. Recently I watched a documentary on brain plasticity. I love brain plasticity because it shows we can reprogram […]


Daily Mindfulness

Last week we explored the definition of mindfulness. But how does one reach a level of constant mindfulness?  The first step is experiencing what I call the “State of Gray.” The State of Gray is simple, and yet can be very difficult. Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, calls it being in the […]


What is Mindfulness?

If you are part of the Living Type Me Facebook Group, you will have seen a lot of posts over the past few months about the benefits of mindfulness. Many people have asked me what mindfulness is. I will attempt to answer their question here. Merriam-Webster defines mindfulness as “the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental […]