I read an interesting excerpt from the new book NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman. The book focuses on teaching and parenting styles, but I think it also provides an interesting glance into the power of self-empowerment over self-esteem. Let me try to explain how I see the difference between […]
Diane Beaulieu, Entrée Kitchen owner and B.I.G. pod leader, asks, “When you have that feeling of there just aren’t enough hours in the day, where do you suggest one starts to relieve the stress?” Great question Diane! There are four places to find relief when you feel there are not enough hours in the day, […]
New book is a powerful framework for reducing stress, improving well-being, increasing mental clarity, dealing with difficult people and facing challenging workplaces CHICAGO (May 14, 2014) – After 10 years in the world of theater followed by nearly 20 years in senior corporate marketing positions, the stress of deadline-driven jobs led to author and speaker […]
The American Psychological Association has reported that 77% of Americans are regularly experiencing physical symptoms due to stress. The report goes on to show the cost to employers due to stress-related issues like missed work and health care costs. The annual cost has reach $300 billion making this an important issue not only for individuals […]
Learn a framework for reducing stress from stress reduction expert Melissa Heisler. Stress affects all of our lives, but it doesn’t have to be debilitating. Learn how to reduce how stress affects your mind and your body. Learn simple customizable tools to use on a daily basis to reduce stress and keep it from building […]
We all complain about stress, but what is it really. National Geographic did a wonderful report on what stress is by not only looking at humans and our environment, but also through baboons and science. In watching specific tribes of baboons who ate the same food, lived in the same area, and experienced the same […]
I like to think I am fearless, and in many ways I am. But in some ways I am not. One of the most noticeable ways is in regards to my business. I fear not having enough income to pay my bills. I fear I will not be able to make the business what I […]
Caffeine has always been my constant companion. In my younger years, caffeine came in the form of Mountain Dew. When I entered the workforce, my caffeine delivery system became coffee. As energy drinks entered the marketplace, Monster became my drink of choice. The thing is, caffeine is not good for me. I have known for […]
Recently whenever I talk to a client or friend about their job I hear: I have lost the passion for my work. My co-worker undermined my project. It seems we only shuffle paper and no longer provide anything of true value. My boss took credit for my work. I have to work overtime again, without […]
10 Truths That Will Change Your Life (via inspiremetoday.com) 1. If this were your last day, what would you want to be experiencing? How often do we spend our days recounting our hurts, how we were wronged, what we don’t have, what is stressing us, and how we were disappointed? Choose instead in every moment…