
What is Mindfulness?

If you are part of the Living Type Me Facebook Group, you will have seen a lot of posts over the past few months about the benefits of mindfulness. Many people have asked me what mindfulness is. I will attempt to answer their question here. Merriam-Webster defines mindfulness as “the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental […]

self love

Love Starts with You

Many of the people I work with are like me. They are givers. They sacrifice for others. They support others. They give love. They want to make the world better. But in their attempt to give, they forget to give to the most important person – themselves. Over the years, I have worked personally on […]

a kinder community

Create a Community

Hopefully you have enjoyed learning about the inspirational messages found in the cartoon My Little Pony and about the societal-challenging Bronies who love the show. One other topic which came out of exploring the show and its fans, is the importance of finding a supportive like-minded community. While watching the documentary, A Brony Tale, I […]

manliest Brony in the world

A Shifting Society

Last week I wrote about how the children’s series, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, has very powerful messages for our lives and our community. I am not the only one who sees this. A legion of fans agree. What is interesting is these fans, these “Bronies,” are made up of mostly heterosexual adult males. […]

friendship is magic

The Elements of Harmony

My husband and I arrived at our hotel in San Diego just as the Pacific PonyCon was ending. What is PonyCon you may be asking? I did too. PonyCon is a convention for adults who love the television series, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. In future posts I am going to write about the […]

A dog is going to be a dog

Trust Everyone

A few years back I was having lunch with a friend of mine. She was talking about how as an attorney she no longer trusts anyone. Daily she meets people who lie and who do horrible things. I could see the sadness in her eyes as she created an anti-trust barrier between herself and everyone […]

art movement creativity

Living Fully

Last week I wrote about an incident over the holidays where guests marveled at the view I said I was “too busy” to see which made me aware of how my words were creating my life and the importance of those words. This incident also brought another issue to light, I am not taking advantage […]

view from the rooftop

Say What You Mean

We were fortunate to be able to spend Christmas with some friends on the rooftop of the house we live in. They loved the view and the sunshine. I was asked, “Are you guys up here all the time?” Without thinking I replied, “We are too busy.” Being an avid reader of this blog, a […]

It's My Life blog

My 2016 Goal

My friend Catherine Johns challenged herself in 2015 to write one newsletter every week. She knew that it was good business to stay in touch with her community, but writing is/was a challenge for her. But at the end of 2015, she had reached her goal and had written 52 posts for the year. And […]


The Joy of Giving

This year I participated in a gift tree for the children of workers in my area. It was fun to go out and buy for young children and especially to wrap up the gifts. I don’t know why, but there is such joy in wrapping and seeing a wrapped gift. Maybe it is the unnecessary […]