hide feelings

The Way Out is Through

This article captures much of what concerns me about the mainstream spiritual movement. Be positive, raise your vibration, and attract what you want. The message repeated again and again is to focus on the good and more good will come to you. The unspoken message is that if bad things happen, it is your fault […]

online information

Information Overload

We live in a time where information is at our fingertips. Literally. Can’t remember the show that actress was in? Google it. Disagree on what happened at last week’s party? Text other guests for their take. The world wide web and mobile telephone devices have made it so easy for us to have easy access […]

reaching out

The Importance of Connection & Service

December 25th many people around the United States and the world will be celebrating Christmas with family and friends. Those celebrating and those not, may also be suffering mentally or physically. Stress, depression, hopelessness, and illness appear to be becoming more prevalent. In November the LA Times published a very depressing article about the decline […]