At an online work meeting the other day, management shared this graphic which was found on LinkedIn. The message is beautiful, but unfortunately the author of the graphic could not be found. The graphic is focused on the current pandemic, yet the message can be applied to our lives in general. Over the last month […]
Amid all the hate speech on and offline, I thought this quote from Abraham Lincoln provides some sound advice. He is noted for saying, “I do not like that man. I must get to know him better.” Isn’t it easy to see something we disagree with online and immediately dismiss the person who wrote it? […]
I love this cartoon and how it perfectly illustrates how our perception colors, or in this case, blocks how we see the world. If we perceive something, we are “seeing” it using our five senses. Perceiving can also mean to understand a concept in our mind. Perceiving is the act of awareness. To perceive means […]
One of the running jokes we have in Spanish class is, “and of course, there are exceptions.” Every time I am instructed on a new verb tense, past preterit for example, I am shown all the normal conjugations for use with I, you, them, and us. After a few written and oral exercises, I feel […]
This article captures much of what concerns me about the mainstream spiritual movement. Be positive, raise your vibration, and attract what you want. The message repeated again and again is to focus on the good and more good will come to you. The unspoken message is that if bad things happen, it is your fault […]
Over the last few years, I have watched as many people have become more and more black and white in their thinking. There are good guys and bad guys. There are people who agree with us and people who are wrong. There are angels and devils. There are the saved and the damned. There are […]
For over a decade, I have been working with people to change their lives for the better. I uncovered that awareness, acceptance, alternatives, and action were the keys to changing our lives. A few years back I wrote From Type A to Type Me: How to Stop “Doing” Life and Start Living It which outlined […]
Narcissism is something I think most of us understand and some of us maybe have had first-hand experience with, and now all of us perhaps have a certain figure or two in mind who exhibit classic narcissistic behaviors. A little while back I wrote about how to deal with the narcissists in our life. What […]
Over the last few years, it has been apparent – especially in the United States – that we are divided. Instead of debate, there is hate. Instead of seeking to understand, there is attack. Instead of working together, there is fear and defensiveness. Although recent politics have inflamed this divisiveness, I believe it has been […]
Over the past 30 years, I have been working to improve myself. For 10 years, I have shared this growth, ideas, and hopefully support through these posts. My self-growth focus started out around making work better. How do I make work less stressful? How do I find work-life balance? How do I learn what I […]