There are so many wise old sayings out there that are powerful – and that can also trigger many of my clients. One of them is when one door closes another door opens. It is a true statement. It can be a powerful to believe. It can give hope. It can also be angering when […]
Each time a girl opens a book and reads a womanless history, she learns she is worth less. – Myra Pollack Sadker As I was browsing The National Women’s History Project website, I ran across this quote. It was so powerful to me – especially in light of the incredible story of Mala Yousafzai. Mala […]
An amazing thing happened, I made a mistake. And it was a doozy too. I set up my radio show incorrectly so my 30-minute show was abruptly ended in 15-minutes. It is so important to me to have the radio show go smoothly because any missteps will be forever accessible therefore having an effect on […]
When I started my small business the first thing I did was join the local chamber. It was a great way for me to meet other business owners, learn about the city, connect to residents, and create a relationship with the city government. Being part of the chamber not only helped launch my business, but […]