movie: defending your life

Dealing With Fear

This year marks the unbelievable 25th anniversary of the movie Defending Your Life.  The movie is true and timeless, because, as writer, director, and star Albert Brooks said, “I think what the movie is saying is going to stay relevant for a long, long time, because fear isn’t going away.” The angel-like character, Bob Diamond, […]

hard work

Is Hard Work Overrated?

Have you ever tried to make something work, but feel blocked and inefficient? Have you ever been frustrated because no matter how hard you try you just don’t get what you want? Has your hard work and sweat equity lacked the payoff you desire? For decades we have bought into the idea of no pain, […]


Moving Forward Through Ups and Downs

Do you have a goal which seems far away? Are you working toward something but keep hitting obstacles? Are you uncertain you are on the right path? Have you lost your path and are not sure what is next? Lately many of my clients have been going through a confusing, frustrating, up and down time. […]


Stop Trying to Escape Your Life

The other day my friend told me her family goes on “adventures” not “vacations.” “Vacations,” she said, “makes it sound like we are vacating our life.” The concept struck me powerfully. How often are we vacating our lives? How often do we want to escape, to get away from our every day? It is all […]