The American Psychological Association has reported that 77% of Americans are regularly experiencing physical symptoms due to stress. The report goes on to show the cost to employers due to stress-related issues like missed work and health care costs. The annual cost has reach $300 billion making this an important issue not only for individuals […]
Learn a framework for reducing stress from stress reduction expert Melissa Heisler. Stress affects all of our lives, but it doesn’t have to be debilitating. Learn how to reduce how stress affects your mind and your body. Learn simple customizable tools to use on a daily basis to reduce stress and keep it from building […]
Caffeine has always been my constant companion. In my younger years, caffeine came in the form of Mountain Dew. When I entered the workforce, my caffeine delivery system became coffee. As energy drinks entered the marketplace, Monster became my drink of choice. The thing is, caffeine is not good for me. I have known for […]
Never in history have we had such comforts and ease of living. Our grocery store shelves are stocked and we can cook a meal in minutes. We can communicate with family and friends around the world instantaneously and face to face. Modern conveniences make our day to day life easy. Then why the heck are […]
Imagine driving. Imagine an object hitting your car. Imagine an accident. Imagine your assailant driving away, abandoning you in your pain. Imagine almost losing your life due to a teenager’s prank. Imagine this happening to you, a loved one, or your child. How would you feel when you met them in court? Would you ask […]
I was very fortunate to spend two weeks in Italy this April. Upfront I realized it was not going to be a normal vacation. My mother is still recovering from her December and subsequent surgeries so every morning my sister and I were to take turns changing her bandages. After that responsibility, I expected time […]
My friend’s mother used to say, “Life is too short to be pissed off.” I learned of this at her memorial service and the meaning became even more poignant.
We all have problems or issues arise in our life; getting a cold, having business difficulties, having a sick loved one, unexpected expenses, having difficulty completing a simple task like buying leaf bags. In fact, if we looked closely there is probably not a day in our life that we do not have some issue arise. But it is how we handle the issue that provides us with the key to happiness.