One of the toughest parts of job transition is self-promotion. I wish I had a dollar for every candidate who told me it was difficult for them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments. Slowly but surely, I take these job seekers out of hiding and help them uncover, recognize, and share the value they […]
Sometimes people don’t understand me because I don’t let my emotions run away with me (for the most part). A car cuts me off and I smile and wave. When someone is rude to me I only become more kind to them. In the current world where righteous indignation is prized and promoted, I don’t […]
In our fast-paced lives, we are often “doing” and not “living.” One tool to help us truly live is to hold a reality check every so often. How much of our day goes by in a blur versus being in the moment? How much of our life is routine versus conscious choosing? How much of […]
Back in the 80’s I remember a song, but not the title or artist, where the musicians ponder if the glass is half full or half empty. The song purported it didn’t matter because sooner or later one would spill it. At the time of my teenage angst at an unfair world, the lyrics spoke […]
Every Monday I receive a Soul Card Reading from Saskia Roell. I often find the cards she shares to be inspirational and insightful. A recent card from the Esther and Abraham Hicks Ask and It Is Given card deck was something I felt I should share. The card reads: Life Is Always in Motion, So […]
Are you concerned about something in your life right now? Are things in your city or neighborhood a little too much for you? Are you upset that no one is focusing on your issues? Maybe it is time for a little cosmic perspective. According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, “We are a speck in the middle […]
I was speaking with my friend Melissa Amling that other day who was telling me about her virtual reality concept for a new children’s book. It is a very interesting idea to bring children into the world of the book so they could fully experience and become a part of the story. She then mentioned […]
I heard a wonderful segment about anger on Public Radio International’s To The Best of My Knowledge Our Knowledge March 26, 2017 show which is worth a full listen. The show features a brilliant discussion with the author of a new book The Age of Anger: A History of the Present which traces the shared […]
Being part of a mass layoff is difficult. A host of emotions are prevalent. Sadness to leave what was known possibly for decades. Fear of financial instability. Anger at the company or economy. Confusion due to loss and the unknown. On its own, job transition is tough. Unfortunately, some people make it more difficult. One […]
April brings the hopes of spring . . . . and another Stress Awareness Month. I was all ready to write my annual post about the importance of being aware of our stress levels because awareness provides us the power to make changes. Added to the importance of awareness, I was going to share how […]