trapped in your dogma

What is your dogma?

Lately I have been obsession with reading fiction detective stories. In the midst of Tana French’s In the Woods was a passage that blew me away. Three characters have a discussion about the need for some form of belief system and that for their Irish government and society many people see money as their ideology. […]

a kinder community

Create a Community

Hopefully you have enjoyed learning about the inspirational messages found in the cartoon My Little Pony and about the societal-challenging Bronies who love the show. One other topic which came out of exploring the show and its fans, is the importance of finding a supportive like-minded community. While watching the documentary, A Brony Tale, I […]

art movement creativity

Living Fully

Last week I wrote about an incident over the holidays where guests marveled at the view I said I was “too busy” to see which made me aware of how my words were creating my life and the importance of those words. This incident also brought another issue to light, I am not taking advantage […]

change transformation


This election was difficult on a lot of people. And we made it more difficult on ourselves. Instead of a civilized debate, we made the campaign into a sixth-grade playground with name calling and bullying – on both sides. The results of the election were a shock to half the country, resulting in teenage rebellion […]


Give and Take

Recently I wrote about living for yourself versus living for others. A lot of people contacted me about how difficult this was for them. Some said being raised Christian, they were imbued with a mission of giving to others as an act of Christian sacrifice. Others asked how to receive when you are a natural […]