I have been writing a lot lately about compassion and understanding, as I think that is what is sorely needed in the United States and the world at large these days. My readers seem to be having difficulty with the message. They are angry. They are scared. They find it impossible to understand and accept […]
Recently there are been more and more reports of racism and hate crimes. The recent election cycle has unleashed negativity, fear, and hatred which has been lurking under the surface of America for a very long time. As a hopeful optimist, I see this as a blessing. We can not deal with something, we can […]
This election was difficult on a lot of people. And we made it more difficult on ourselves. Instead of a civilized debate, we made the campaign into a sixth-grade playground with name calling and bullying – on both sides. The results of the election were a shock to half the country, resulting in teenage rebellion […]
This year marks the unbelievable 25th anniversary of the movie Defending Your Life. The movie is true and timeless, because, as writer, director, and star Albert Brooks said, “I think what the movie is saying is going to stay relevant for a long, long time, because fear isn’t going away.” The angel-like character, Bob Diamond, […]
March 22 was the International Day of Happiness sponsored by a positive psychology author and Project Happiness is a non-profit on a mission throughout the year to help people become happier. But what is happy and why do we need movements to help us be happy? Well, turn on the news. How many people are […]
Do you feel sweat on your brow, does your heart quicken and your throat contract, does dread and panic spread across your mind and body – when you realize you don’t have your mobile phone? Then you could have Nomophobia. This mental state, which is not recognized in the current DSM-V, was first labeled by […]
Are you one of the many who was dreaming of the billion dollar Powerball payoff? Were you thinking about what a life of ease and luxury you would have if you had the money? All your problems would be solved. Or would they? In a University of Illinois study they found that those making more […]