Recently I ran across a Forbes article about the importance of the true definition of entrepreneur. The author Brett Nelson points to the definition, “a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk,” as the best definition because it means people who have a primordial urge […]
Lately I have been helping a lot of people in job transition. After ten, fifteen, or even twenty years with the same company, doing the same role they now find themselves without work. In trying to find a new job and sometimes change careers, they usually go about it the same way. They look at […]
Last August I shared about our move down to Mexico and how it fulfilled my husband’s (im)possible dream. He dreamed it, wrote it down, shared it with others, and took a big risk to make it happen. We had to do a lot, risk a lot, to pursue his dream. He gave up a steady […]