a kinder community

Create a Community

Hopefully you have enjoyed learning about the inspirational messages found in the cartoon My Little Pony and about the societal-challenging Bronies who love the show. One other topic which came out of exploring the show and its fans, is the importance of finding a supportive like-minded community. While watching the documentary, A Brony Tale, I […]

manliest Brony in the world

A Shifting Society

Last week I wrote about how the children’s series, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, has very powerful messages for our lives and our community. I am not the only one who sees this. A legion of fans agree. What is interesting is these fans, these “Bronies,” are made up of mostly heterosexual adult males. […]

friendship is magic

The Elements of Harmony

My husband and I arrived at our hotel in San Diego just as the Pacific PonyCon was ending. What is PonyCon you may be asking? I did too. PonyCon is a convention for adults who love the television series, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. In future posts I am going to write about the […]

change transformation


This election was difficult on a lot of people. And we made it more difficult on ourselves. Instead of a civilized debate, we made the campaign into a sixth-grade playground with name calling and bullying – on both sides. The results of the election were a shock to half the country, resulting in teenage rebellion […]


Fad Cures

A recent Wall Street Journal article exposed the influx of visitors coming to Peru to experience ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic plant, with the hopes of relieving physical and psychological pain. If you have read my book, From Type A to Type Me: How to Stop “Doing” Life and Start Living It, you know about my personal […]