End of the World Special

There are those who believe the world is ending in 2012.  I prefer to think the world as we know it is ending and we are entering a new era.  If either of these assumptions is true, there are two conclusions I have.  First, you may want some coaching to help you through these changing […]

It's My Life Inc.

Focus on What Matters

This year kicked off with incredible revenue for my company.  I have been thrilled with the number of new and returning clients.  I received joy from seeing my Quickbooks revenue graphs fly off the charts.  Smiling I imagined where my 2012 figures would end.  Then a favorite client decided not to continue working together.  Other […]

– Diane Testa

“As a business coach, Melissa brings wisdom that allows one to evolve naturally. She comes from a place of knowing unlimited possibilities yet is clear and grounded. She guides with direct honesty and is extremely refreshing to work with. She is a true facilitator of growth!”

– Toni Van Schoyck

“Melissa’s true concern for helping other individuals shows in her dedication to her profession. I have had the pleasure of seeing Melissa professionally speak and we now are working on an event for my business. I am very excited to have her implement strategies for myself and our team. I am looking forward to recommending […]