Davette and I were discussing the concept of holistic business strategy or business strategy that does not just cover business needs and goals but the goals of one’s personal life. That is when Davette told me how she enjoyed having me on the show because I served lifestyle businesses.
What have you changed your mind about? What did you use to profess and live by that you now believe the opposite? What are the cold, hard facts that now appear to have holes in them?
There is an old saying, “I can’t see the forest through the trees.” I believe this is a common problem for many businesses. We are so often focused on the trees, or shall we say tasks, that we lose site of the forest or big picture.
How much momentum have we built up in our lives? How far can that momentum carry us without any additional effort? How many times are we tiring ourselves out with additional effort that is not necessary? Today, look around you and see where you can coast. What are the things you are pushing to happen? Is the effort necessary? If not, let go and watch. Does your desired outcome still occur?
On my desk was what I call the “I-know-this-is-important-and-I-want-to-record-it-or-act-upon-it-but-other-things-are-taking-precedence-right-now” pile. There was such a weight on my shoulders of all the items I wanted to eventually go through, that I couldn’t concentrate on what was really important right now.
For me it is an amazing lesson that I seem to need to hear again and again. I do not have to do everything myself or by myself. Things can get done without my direct effort. So much stress in life is caused by the belief that we control and need to control everything in our life.
One of the ways I know I have gone off track is when my husband asks me where I want to go to dinner and nothing comes to mind. Honestly, I have no desire or opinion. The only thoughts in my mind are what my husband likes or dislikes. This may seem very insignificant but I think it is actually very major. If I do not have an opinion on something as simple as the food I’d like to eat, what major decisions am I also not able to make?
Thank you to everyone who voted for me and congratulations to the other writers, including my friend Laurie Foley, who made it to the Top 10.
Best Coaching Blog Writers 2010
My friend’s mother used to say, “Life is too short to be pissed off.” I learned of this at her memorial service and the meaning became even more poignant.