It's My Life Inc.

What is Life Coaching Like?

The other day I was chatting with two friends.  They both mentioned being asked what life coaching was like.  Neither had an easy time explaining the coaching process.  It got me to wondering how many others are not really sure about the process.  There are many different coaches out there specializing in different goals and […]

Italian Perspective

I was very fortunate to spend two weeks in Italy this April.  Upfront I realized it was not going to be a normal vacation.  My mother is still recovering from her December and subsequent surgeries so every morning my sister and I were to take turns changing her bandages.  After that responsibility, I expected time […]

It's My Life Inc.

Consciously Creating a Better Life

We can consciously change the wiring of our minds. We have the power to not only choose how we perceive, act and react but we can also go into our gray matter to delete old programs which do not work for us and wire together new programs which serve us better. By reprogramming our RAS we can consciously choose to experience more joy, peace, and happiness. Through this reprogramming we can once again have ambition, see the glass as half full, and have the strength to move forward.

Choose Your Own Adventure

Our culture thrives on negativity, disaster, and fear. It is much easier to fall into that mantra than one of optimism and hope. Look at every juncture of your life. What do you choose to say, do, or believe? What result occurs because of the choice you made? Are you creating an adventure that ends in riches and joy? Or are you leading yourself down the path to defeat and negativity?