Recently I was triggered by a situation. The situation does not matter. What matters is that I was triggered and fell into the rabbit hole of anger, self-pity, depression, guilt, and the desire for confrontation and revenge. This was not an enjoyable experience. I felt wronged and victimized, and felt an overwhelming desire to “put […]
As we come up to the holidays and into fourth quarter in the world of business, the morale of those in job transition I work with becomes lower and lower. They focus on the belief that hiring slows down at the end of the year. They think because their education, age, experience, it is hopeless […]
Along with my own business, I also work part-time for Right Management helping individuals in job transition. We work on the stress of job loss, determining what they want next in their career, and then the nuts and bolts of landing that next perfect job. All of my candidates have a chance to provide feedback […]
Buzzzz. What really? I am tense again?? Breath. Focus. Ah, back in the groove. One of the things I work with my clients on is awareness, especially awareness around stress. The problem with stress is we often don’t notice it until it causes issues. By becoming aware of our stress early on, before it becomes […]
As I was listening to one module of my friend Uma Girish’s Clear Your Heart for True Healing on-line course, her description of the physiological response to anger sounded very similar to the physiological response to stress, e.g., breathing quickly, stomach muscles tightening, dilated pupils. The reason for the similarity is that both anger and […]
The other day my husband heard a story about how the band Rush had really been ahead of their time. So he listened to their 2112 album, which as his wife, meant that I listened to their album. This turned out to be a good thing. In the midst of their song Something for Nothing […]
Have you ever tried to make something work, but feel blocked and inefficient? Have you ever been frustrated because no matter how hard you try you just don’t get what you want? Has your hard work and sweat equity lacked the payoff you desire? For decades we have bought into the idea of no pain, […]
Recently I watched a TED Talk by Marla Spivak about why bees are disappearing. I learned a lot about how intertwined we are with nature and how some of our current behaviors are not only hurting animals and plants, but our future as well. However I am not writing to preach about environmental issues. What […]